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Headwaters of Hope

Greetings! My name is Todd Spencer. I am happy that you have landed here. The vision for Headwaters of Hope is to help persons discover fresh sources of life through the practices of spiritual direction, retreats and coaching. 

Before founding Headwaters, I spent over 30 years in leadership settings of local churches and non-profit spaces, and nearly 20 years leading others in spiritual direction and retreats. I know what it’s like to try to navigate leadership waters with and without a spiritual director or a coach. It’s much more meaningful and energizing with one! I get a real kick out of serving any adult looking to go deeper in their leadership of self and others. 

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Todd is a Peregrini Spiritual Director partnered with Anam Cara Ministries, a Certified Professional Coach through iPEC and a Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practioner.

Balancing Rocks



Spiritual direction is an ancient practice in which one person, the director, clears space and time for slowing down and listening empathetically to the everyday happenings of another person, the directee, with the hope that the directee increasingly notices the movements and fingerprints of the Divine in their life. Usually the two meet once or twice each month for approximately an hour. The focus is not on problem-solving — which counseling and therapy usually seek to provide — so much as noticing God’s presence or absence in one’s life.


Through the centuries, Christian tradition has embraced the practice of the spiritual retreat as a powerful part of one’s formation in Christ’s love. Throughout the gospels, we find Jesus retreating to wilderness places in solitude and also, at times, retreating with his beloved disciples.  A retreat is a set-aside time for less noise and less pressures and to intentionally change one’s central focus to God’s presence. I’m told that Evelyn Underhill called this “loitering with intent.” Whether directing a person in a solo retreat or leading a group in a retreat, I thoroughly enjoy assisting on the journey.


Coaching can bring a person to a deeper appreciation of their unique gifts and life experiences and then feel new freedom to set out to create an even more meaningful and abundant life. When a person partners with a coach, the client can become more clear about their desires for their best life possible.  

"Life is a river. Upstream changes everything downstream. Come to the headwaters for fresh sources of life." 
~Todd Spencer


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