​The Personal Retreat
I invite you to consider coming to the mountains of Colorado near me to discover how a guided personal retreat with me can help you find the rest and refreshment you need for your journey with God moving forward. I have great suggestions for cabins near Colorado Springs. I’ll help you prepare for the adventure and then I’ll drive up to meet with you daily while you are here. I suggest at least 3 nights and days as a minimum but longer can be very powerful as well.
Another way I like to assist folks in personal retreats is to simply meet with you ahead of time to help you plan and prepare, then you go to the retreat center or other lodging of your choice for your retreat, and I will meet with you by phone or video once or more during your retreat for spiritual direction. Then, after you complete your retreat, I meet with you for direction around what your retreat experience was like and what God might be inviting you into for the days ahead.
The Group Retreat
I will be offering group retreats around various spiritual themes at locations in Colorado and perhaps in North Carolina as well. Along with meaningful presentations, these retreats will have plenty of time for options like hiking, fly fishing, equine learning, contemplative experiences in nature and more. Keep your eyes open here and share your email address with me for more information!
Also, if you would like for me to lead your group or organization in a spiritual retreat, reach out to me! I’d be glad to consider coming to a location near you or leading your group here in Colorado.