When I lead someone in spiritual direction, it usually looks something like this: we usually spend a little time just casually catching up, and then I lead a few minutes of centering which usually includes some silence, a brief reading and sometimes a piece of instrumental music. After centering, I invite my directee to start wherever they would like to start. Many times, I might ask what openings and blocks to God’s loving presence they have experienced recently. Sometimes I ask about what they are noticing about their prayer life or what they are noticing about their image of God. I tend to quietly listen much of the time, but I will occasionally offer thoughts or images that I sense might be a grace for the directee.
Generally speaking, the focus in spiritual direction is on what is rather than what should be, on experiences rather than ideas and beliefs. And while, at its best, formal religiosity can support one’s spiritual rhythms, conversations in spiritual direction with me are more about the day to day encounters and experiences one has during his/her normal weekday living at home, with friends, at work, in nature, in the neighborhood, at play, while serving others, and at rest. It’s an unhurried way of conversation that can help a person increasingly notice the presence, and sometimes the seeming absence, of our loving God. It’s a practice of holy listening. The goal for me as the director is to help the person notice the movements of the Real Director which is the Spirit of God. As spiritual director, I do not make decisions for a directee but instead prayerfully accompany the person with kindness, patience, a listening heart and prayer.
Reach out to me if you would like to explore spiritual direction! I meet with directees online, on the phone or in person. The first meeting is always free of charge. My usual rate is $150 per session. Although, if needed, I am open to a sliding scale rate, starting at $75 per session.