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In the life of a river, the headwaters are the small, quiet, wild, often forgotten, and purest waters that begin a river’s grand journey towards the sea. I learned to fly fish on the headwaters of the Colorado River and the small tributaries flowing down the Blue Ridge Mountains. While I have fished many larger waters, the small headwaters are still my favorite places to sneak away to fish. It’s quieter up there. After many years of serving as a spiritual director, I find time in the headwaters an apt metaphor for spiritual direction, leading retreats and leading others in coaching.  Whether sneaking away to fly fish or for taking time for practices like spiritual direction, retreats or coaching, the detour off of the fast-moving and large places of our lives consistently proves to be rich with life-giving potentials. Upstream changes everything downstream. I invite you to reach out to me if you are curious about exploring and empowering your life in some new, adventurous, ways!


The three-spiral symbol, or triskelion, is one of the most ancient symbols found throughout the world in all kinds of spiritual locations. It appears, for instance, at the Newgrange passage burial mound in Ireland which was built over 5,000 years ago. This pre-dates even the Celtic people of the British Isles. Celtic Christians and others used the triskelion to express the three-fold Holy Trinity. The Headwaters logo can remind us of flowing water coming from one common center. Also, I like to think of the Trinity in the river terms of: God the Creator is the Source, Christ as the Shape and the Spirit as the Flow. 

Todd Spencer

I am a spiritual director, retreat leader, leadership coach, husband, father and friend. I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado and enjoy fly fishing, riding my fat tire bike, playing guitar, singing, song-writing, reading and Centering Prayer. I grew up in the great state of Oklahoma and have lived most of my adult life in the beautiful states of North Carolina and Colorado. I went to Oklahoma City University for undergrad, Emory University for seminary and Fuller Seminary for my doctorate. I completed my spiritual direction training with the Shalem Institute. I completed my training for coaching with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and enjoy leading others in Leadership Coaching, which is about helping others raise their consciousness and energy for living the life of their dreams. I am an ordained United Methodist clergy person and spent over 30 years in local church ministry as a youth minister and then as a minister of spiritual formation for adults. I am now a partnered spiritual director with Anam Cara Ministries, which is my community of accountability and support in ministry. Beautiful things happen at Anam Cara! I encourage you to check us out. For instance, I highly recommend your participating in one of our Scripture Circles sometime.  


Todd is a long-time member of Trout Unlimited, one of the foremost river and trout conservation organizations in the world.  They do a lot of good!


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